Sunday, September 06, 2020

The Value of Black Lives

When police officers have killed unarmed Americans recently, the fact that many of those were black prompted an outcry of "black lives matter."  Others responded, as if saying that "black lives matter" meant that other lives didn't, that "all lives matter."  The point of the first protesters was and is that sometimes it seems as if all lives (and especially black lives) don't matter.  Others countered the outcry by denouncing it since many more die each day as a result of abortion.  Still others have refused to take seriously the concepts of "systemic racism" or "white privilege." Such, it seems, has not been their experience.  Since only God can read hearts and it would be impossible to track every human action or speech directed toward others, an assertion that "more babies are murdered every day than existential racism is practiced" is only a guess. It could also be asserted that the reverse is true. We don't know. Killing babies before birth is barbaric. Tolerating the death of the elderly in nursing homes or the killing of unarmed people by law enforcement officers or the military is equally tragic. Let's advocate the practice of love and justice while refraining from pitting one sin against another in terms of seriousness. Many black lives end before they begin because of abortion. Can you say that you are for abortion and still say that "black lives matter"?"Can you say that you are pro-life and against abortion if you cannot say the words "black lives matter"? 

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