Friday, June 28, 2013
Where Do We Go When We Hurt?
My journey of faith began in a family of faith and a family of worshipers (the Bible often calls the church a "household" or "family."). My parents loved God and made assembling with other lovers of God a priority for us. They reminded us often that it was a privilege to assemble with other Christians, that in some nations it was definitely not a right to do so. While I have discovered that some communities of faith may be more toxic than healing, healthy faith develops best in community. There are times when we may need to go alone in prayer to express our pain and hurt to the Lord, but sometimes the occasions when we hurt the most are when the church that we thought didn't care awakens to its responsibilities. Singing with a congregation, even listening if the pain is too great to sing or the song evokes particularly emotional memories, allows other believers to speak words of grace and love. Even when one's presence challenges others, ability to forgive or to consider whether they should allow you to participate, growth in relationship to God and his people occurs. We all sin (Romans 3:23). We all need forgiveness. Assembling together allows others to bear one another's burden (Galatians 6:1-2) and remember that being a part of Christ's saved people is not an exercise in isolation nor about feeling good all the time about other Christians. Romans 15:1-3 says, "We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves. Each of us should please his neighbor for his good, to build him up. For even Christ did not please himself but, as it is written: 'The insults of those who insult you have fallen on me.'" We worship together to praise God, but also meet together to encourage one another (Hebrews 10:24-25). We should not gather as a church to hear a speaker verbally scourge suffering people, but we should search the scriptures together and pray fervently that we may help the damaged person heal and return to active service. If a person's (or group's) presence threatens the spiritual stability of the congregation, then we meet and discuss face-to-face how their actions endanger the health of the community while remembering to check our preferences to see if they align with the word and will of God.
Because my parents encouraged me to make assembling with Christians a priority, when I encountered a difficult time in my life when it would have been easy to suffer alone and stop "going to church," I kept going. I found it hard to pray at that point in my life and it was difficult to sing some songs. Some sermons were harder to hear and some well-meaning brethren just did not understand what I was experiencing. Still I kept assembling and I continued to read the Bible regularly (Strange, I think, that I found it hard to talk to God for a while but still was willing to listen to him). The small congregation embraced me and helped me to heal, using me when I was willing and my work would help others. Some told me that my presence encouraged them. I survived spiritually because that church and my family of origin loved me.
Some hurting people have hurt themselves, and as part of the healing process, must realize and articulate the part they played in creating their pain. We call this repentance and confession; both acts are essential for spiritual healing. If they haven't done so already, they will need to follow the example of the Apostle Paul in washing their sins away in baptism (See Acts 22:16). Some may be unable to reverse the effects of their actions; just as a physical amputee learns to function without a hand or with a prosthesis, they can learn to function in their new reality. Other hurting people have been abused - verbally, physically, or emotionally. They don't need more abuse. They need love, and lots of patience.
So, if you're hurting spiritually, don't try to solve your problems in isolation. Reach out for help to a community of faith, a church that takes God, Christ, and the Bible seriously, but that remembers also that it is the family of God and the body, the church of Christ, an entity that heals rather harms. If you're within such a group, and someone confesses difficulty, pain, or sin, don't rush to ostracize. Pray and study to learn how you may help this person to heal and to grow up to become the healthy disciple God wants them to be. As Paul the apostle wrote, " Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God" (Romans 15:7). In the end, we all have fallen short, and that is why we need a family, a church, where we may heal and feel safe.
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Daring: A Poem and Prayer
When I run the trails
I review my trials;
I thank you, God, for caring,
Showing me that pain of sharing
Supersedes the easy path, by daring
To excel, while denying my power,
I rely on you, my rock and tower.
Thunder roars, torrents descend,
Lightning flashes; can we mend,
Can we recover, emerge from the mud,
Sally forth unscathed, cleansed by the flood?
When I run the trails
I review my trials;
I remember and I return to daring
For in darkest storm, You still are caring.
-Michael Summers, June 2013
Sunday, June 16, 2013
A Father's Day Remembrance
Happy Father's Day! My father died several years ago, but I still treasure my memories of him as a father, coach, mentor, teacher, and friend. He was several inches taller than I, and much stronger. I remember well the first time that I thought I was doing my full share of the work when we lifted something together. He was sixty-three years old and I was thirty-eight. Dad was a people-person; others sensed that he genuinely cared for them. Another preacher observed on a social media site today that Waymon Summers had been a "Barnabas" (the name means encourager) to other preachers. A young school-teacher remembered that while her father had often failed in that role, her childhood minister (my Dad) had emerged as the hero who helped her find her way. Dad could see the possibility of success in a person when others could or would not. Another preacher noted that Dad was the mentor who made him be the person God wanted him to be. Dad wasn't perfect, but he worked hard, believed strongly, and took care of his family. He modeled well how to be an good father, but he was a superstar as a grandfather; his grandchildren both loved and respected him. He believed strongly in God and looked forward to Heaven. His final words to me were (and he called me back into the room as I was leaving), "See you later!" Indeed!
Fathers Day,
Monday, June 10, 2013
We Lift Our Eyes: A Prayer
We lift our eyes to the mountains and the skies. We see their beauty. They testify to your power.
We thank you for life.
We thank you for love.
We thank you for making us a little crazy.
We mourn when we cry out for justice for the persecuted and oppressed;
We drop to our knees and repent when we fear you will act in justice against us.
We thank you for life.
We thank you for laughter;
We thank you for love, shown so clearly through your Son,
In whose name we pray,
Saturday, June 01, 2013
Cutting Words: A Prayer
Cutting words questioning my judgment
Knife through my soul, sear my spirit.
Fatigue slows my reaction, sparing hurt
From rash response hurriedly spoken.
Grant me wisdom, O Lord, help me heal
Their pain that challenges authority.
Silence my raging scream; awaken love.
Bruised, I crave to return brutal shove.
Comfort me; stem the bleeding,
Let my vision see those needing
Hope, not contempt; an ear, not rebuke.
I breathe deeply, direct at myself a look.
Spur my courage, reveal slander's source
And from my response, my pride divorce.
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